Respectful language is required at all times. NEVER forget who you are addressing and make a good impression!
Same-day appointments are accepted, however, a minimum 2 hour notice is required between the booking and the appointment time. Please note that certain practices require a 24-hour notice (Reference Services).
A $50 deposit will be required for the initial appointment or in case of repeated cancellations. The deposit must be made via Interac e-Transfer or PayPal to confirm the appointment and will be deducted from the total session cost. If you cancel 24 hours in advance, you can reschedule without losing your deposit. Otherwise, the deposit will be lost. For future appointments, the $50 deposit will be a prerequisite.
As discretion is essential, you must confirm your presence on the morning of the appointment via text or email. The dungeon address will be provided afterward.
It's crucial to arrive on time for your appointment. If you anticipate being late, please notify me as soon as possible. If you arrive late without notice, the time delayed will be deducted from your session time without negotiation.
You must arrive clean and ready to start our session. If not, your preparation time will count as part of your session duration. After the session, time will be allocated for you to shower (hygiene products provided) and to prepare for returning to your daily routine.
During the appointment scheduling, we will discuss your limits, experiences, and expectations. Be aware that I have full control over the session. Chemistry and respect are mandatory during our encounter so that you can be at my feet and serve me to the best of your ability. Remember, you're coming to me to lose control.
Your attire suggestions will be considered, but keep in mind that everything most be earned.
Reminder: No nudity on my part.
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